Catching up

OK, it’s been a while. For a lot of different reasons…but I am still alive, heading toward 82, and more or less functioning. As you know, I was in Rwanda early in the year for a month with my daughter, Jan, her husband, Bill, and my pals from France, Lars and Nirin. We rented a five-bedroom house with a cook and cleaners. They were great…..and so is the country. It was my second trip and Continue Reading →

Rwanda with Jan, Bill, Lars, and Nirin

A New Adventure Yep. I’m still around.  Older, slower, achier,  but still moving. I love Rwanda, the people, the culture, the environment and all those animals that I watched yesterday: baboons, zebras by the hundreds, impalas, giraffes, millions of birds, a few elephants, a couple of lions….and stunning hills, lakes, and trees. A huge fenced national park belongs to them. I visited gorillas the last time I was here and I loved hanging out with them, Continue Reading →

Update – Still around, headed to Rwanda soon

I am still alive. It’s the first question people ask when inquiring about someone who is over 80!  (I turned 81 in July.) For many months after the unfortunate election, I did nothing. After living for 30-plus years with people all over the world, laughing with their children, helping them in their fields and their kitchens, learning about their lives…..I just couldn’t believe what was happening in the U.S. For months, I spent a lot of time Continue Reading →