A decade ago, together with the American Gap Association (AGA), I started “Back-a-Gapper” to encourage and assist recent high school graduates to defer college or the job world for a year while they immerse themselves in other cultures and discover the common humanity of mankind. Many of the best universities now allow deferment after acceptance for kids to take a gap year. The Back-a-Gapper program doesn’t exist any longer but I still believe that gap years, whether directly after high school or during college, are important and it shouldn’t just be for privileged kids.
AGA, which developed and monitors standards for gap year programs, has ideas for fundraising, scholarships, and tons of links. In my late 80s now, I no longer can drive this agenda but I hope you see how gap years can make a huge difference and that entrance should have this opportunity. I know it will change the youth…..and the country…..and I’m totally convinced it will also change the world! The compassion, understanding, respect for others that happens when we cross borders and interact opens eyes and makes them sparkle.
I need you to take this forward into every community in the country – sponsor someone, spread the word, influence others, encourage your own children… whatever you can do!
Thanks, Rita
Watch my presentation about Back-a-Gapper at TEDx Portland, from May 2014: