11 Tips on Connecting Across Cultures

Here are some tips for everyone on how to connect across cultures. (A lot of these ideas work at home too.) There is incredible joy in connecting–especially across cultures during travels. 11 Tips on Connecting Across Cultures 1. Smile a lot. Wherever you are, people smile back, and you will discover that you are living in a world of smiles. That goes for where you are now, too! Try walking down the street and smiling at Continue Reading →

17 Tips to Break Down Your Inhibitions

BRING JOY INTO YOUR LIFE BY STEPPING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX Many people ask me: How did I do it? I gave up my glamorous life and became a nomad…for 28 years and counting! My advice is to start small. You’d be amazed that the smallest changes can have big impacts. Break the norm and mold the life you want. Here are 17 fun things to try that will help you break down your inhibitions and Continue Reading →