11 Tips on Connecting Across Cultures

Here are some tips for everyone on how to connect across cultures. (A lot of these ideas work at home too.) There is incredible joy in connecting–especially across cultures during travels. 11 Tips on Connecting Across Cultures 1. Smile a lot. Wherever you are, people smile back, and you will discover that you are living in a world of smiles. That goes for where you are now, too! Try walking down the street and smiling at Continue Reading →

Bus & Bonfire Bonding in Yosemite – Green Tortoise Adventure Travel

I write as I finish a big plate of pancakes with strawberries, blueberries, and whipped cream. And coffee. I spent the night sleeping in a big green bus with 13 other people, most of them under thirty. I’m on a Green Tortoise Adventure Travel tour of Yosemite National Park. This is day three. My friend, Bonita, has been talking forever about how great the GT trips are, so I decided to do one three-day trip Continue Reading →