Hi All

Well, it’s been nine months since I posted here. Lately I’ve been getting sensitively-phrased e-mails asking me how I am. Everyone knows, because I’ve been totally open about it, that I am 79-years-old; and the implicit meaning of the question is….are you still alive?  A legitimate question. Yes, I am. The reason I haven’t posted any new stuff is that I was hacked, and the software I was using to write the blogs disappeared from Continue Reading →

11 Tips on Connecting Across Cultures

Here are some tips for everyone on how to connect across cultures. (A lot of these ideas work at home too.) There is incredible joy in connecting–especially across cultures during travels. 11 Tips on Connecting Across Cultures 1. Smile a lot. Wherever you are, people smile back, and you will discover that you are living in a world of smiles. That goes for where you are now, too! Try walking down the street and smiling at Continue Reading →

Tales of a Female Nomad Book Epilogue

Tales of a Female Nomad, a book of my travels, was published in 2001. The last line, “I can’t wait to hear from you” has brought me thousands of letters and many new friends. I live in and love my “cloud community;” it’s filled with feedback, invitations, sharing, and stories. “Connecting” is what the book…and my life are all about. Since the book was published, I’ve talked in hundreds of bookstores, colleges, elementary and high schools…all Continue Reading →